Saving the World–One Apostrophe at a Time

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed a substantial increase in the use of incorrect grammar? Now I’m not talking about a split infinitive here or there, or the proper use of “who” and “whom” (that still trips me up occasionally). I mean the fundamentals of grammar. You remember…the ones we learned in elementary school.Apostrophe.jpg

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m a bit of a grammar snob. But for the love of God people, learn the difference between a plural noun (more than one) and a possessive noun (shows ownership). For the record, the apostrophe is applied to the latter.

With the advent of social media, there’s no denying the onslaught of these egregious errors on Facebook and those witty e-cards shared on Pinterest. But it sends me over the edge when professionals raking in ridiculously high salaries have nary a clue about the basic rules for the use of an apostrophe. What is it about an apostrophe that has people trying to possess everything?

It’s quite simple really. If Mary owns three dogs, then we go with “Mary’s three dogs…” Notice the possessive apostrophe in Mary’s and its absence in the plural use of dogs. Of course, there are a few other uses for the apostrophe but let’s just master this one for now.

20140215-220427.jpgArgh! Really? A perfectly good message completely destroyed by one misplaced little comma-looking thing floating around. Sigh…